2-12/070.00 - Parks Bureau

Parks Bureau partners with the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation and the Offices of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors with the goal of providing a safe environment for people who visit Los Angeles County parks, nature trails, wildlife sanctuaries, lakes, and golf courses.  Parks Bureau is a proactive uniformed patrol element of the Sheriff’s Department, providing general patrol services to all County parks and addressing “quality of life” issues in and around the parks.

Parks Bureau is divided into three geographical zones (North, South, and East) under the central command of a Captain and operations staff.  Each of the three zones has a contingent of Sergeants, Deputies, and Security Officers under the supervision of a Service Area Lieutenant.  Each zone has a support staff of professional staff.  Parks Bureau has a Detective Team, Boating enforcement and dive team services for Castaic and Pyramid Lakes, Off-Road Enforcement Team, Community Safety and Public Information Office, and a fulltime Mounted Enforcement Detail (MED).  Additionally, the Sheriff’s Department’s Mounted Enforcement Detail comprised of collaterally-assigned Deputies, as well as Reserve Deputies, are under the command of the Parks Bureau Captain.

The primary responsibility of Parks Bureau patrol personnel are:

  • provide directed patrol of Los Angeles County parks;
  • work closely with the Department of Parks and Recreation Department to address “quality of life” issues, and provide security at their events and locations;
  • work with promoters in the planning of events held in Los Angeles County Parks and ensure the safety of park patrons during these events;
  • take appropriate action on any law enforcement matters or observed or encountered problems and respond to calls for service; and
  • attend neighborhood and community meetings related to concerns of park safety and crime prevention.