2-10/060.00 - Scientific Services Bureau

This Bureau is comprised of specialized sections with responsibilities as follows:

Biology Section

Laboratory Services

  • identification of body fluids including blood, saliva and semen;
  • determination of possible donors of evidentiary body fluid stains utilizing DNA testing methods; and
  • Combined DNA Indexing System (CODIS): Entry of DNA profiles in a database for search against profiles from known donors and other criminal cases.

Crime Scene Investigation

  • Trace‑Biology Team - investigation of crimes against persons and some property crimes, including examination for and collection of biological evidence, trace evidence, impression evidence; conduct general evidence searches; and perform crime scene reconstructions.

Blood Alcohol Testing Section

Laboratory Services

  • analysis of blood, urine, and beverage samples for alcohol concentration.  Maintenance of breath alcohol testing instruments and instrument accuracy records.  Train breath alcohol instrument operators.  Provide expert testimony in DUI cases.

Controlled Substances Section

Laboratory Services

  • examination and identification of solid dose controlled substances, including the examination of large drug seizures which require an appointment with the respective laboratory; and
  • examination and identification of solid dose controlled substances and other evidence associated with the illicit manufacture of controlled substances.

Crime Scene Investigation

  • Clandestine Laboratories Team – investigation of clandestine drug laboratories.

Evidence Control Section

  • transports evidence between Bureau facilities and Stations, municipal police departments, and Central Property;
  • accepts and releases evidence submitted to the Bureau; and
  • maintains chain of custody records for evidence submitted to the Bureau.

Firearms Identification Section

Laboratory Services

  • identification of bullets and cartridge cases to specific firearms; identification of type of firearm based upon expended bullets and/or cartridge cases; determination and function testing of full automatic firearms and silencers, determination of distance; serial number restoration; gunshot residue examination; and tool mark comparison; and
  • National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) – entry of fired bullet and cartridge case information for search a National database.

Crime Scene Investigation

  • Firearm Team – search for, collect, and interpret firearm and tool mark-related evidence to include bullet and cartridge case search and recovery, trajectory determinations, possible bullet strikes, and possible tool mark impressions.  Provide expertise for the safe handling of unusual firearms.

Latent Print Section

Laboratory Services

  • comparisons of friction ridge impressions to exemplar(s) of known persons for the purpose of making identifications and non-identifications;
  • Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) – entry of latent finger and palm prints for search against a database of known finger and palm prints; and
  • chemical processing – develop latent prints on evidence items utilizing chemicals, alternate light sources and digital imaging.

Crime Scene Investigation

  • Major Crimes – investigation of crimes against persons such as homicides, rapes, robberies, or other crimes to include crime scene documentation, processing for latent prints, and casting of shoe and tire impressions.  Crime scene documentation includes but is not limited to photography, aerial photography, video, sketches, diagrams, and three-dimensional laser scanning;
  • Clandestine Laboratories – respond to clandestine laboratories to photograph and process evidence for latent prints; and
  • Property Crimes – process property crimes or other crimes for latent prints where photography, videography or diagraming is not required.

Photo/Digital Imaging Section

  • provides professional imaging services including processing, printing, storing, and maintain archives of film negative and digital images;
  • complete public relations and/or evidence related digital photographic projects; and
  • conduct studio photography of evidence, personnel, and Bureau operations.

Polygraph Section

  • administers polygraph examinations in criminal investigations and pre-employment evaluations.

Quality Assurance and Training Section

  • maintains the Bureau’s international ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation program by conducting annual audits of accredited sections, ensuring court testimony monitoring, administering the proficiency testing program, issuing and following through on appropriate Corrective Action Requests, and calibrating and maintaining critical measuring devices;
  • oversees the Bureau’s Health & Safety Program by conducting appropriate audits, providing appropriate training and certification;
  • oversees the Bureau’s volunteer/intern program; and
  • coordinates all aspects of the Bureau’s external training program.

Questioned Documents Section

            Laboratory Services

  • provides a comprehensive range of document examination services which include but are not limited to – handwriting, printing, typewriting, inks, charred paper, and obliterated and altered documents.

Toxicology Section

Laboratory Services

  • analysis of blood and urine samples for drugs in evidence samples and employee random drug testing samples; and
  • analysis of food and product tampering cases and cases of suspected poison.

Trace Evidence Section

Laboratory Services

  • identification and/or comparison of trace evidence, including: hairs, fibers, paint, tire and footwear impressions, physical matches, tear gas and pepper spray, general chemical unknowns, gunshot residue (GSR), ignitable liquids and explosive residues.

Crime Scene Investigation

  • Trace‑Biology Team - see Biology section; and
  • Fire Debris / Explosives Team - investigation of crimes of arson or explosive evidence.