2-10/040.00 - Data Systems Bureau

Data Systems Bureau plans, develops, coordinates and manages Information Technology (IT) for the Department - including systems and data connections supporting or interfacing with County, State, and Federal criminal justice agencies.

This Bureau Is Responsible For:

  • managing the IT infrastructure – consisting of servers, computers, terminals, networks and network equipment, software, applications, databases, and peripheral equipment;
  • developing and implementing security measures and IT standards to ensure Departmental information and systems work efficiently and securely; and
  • ensuring the IT infrastructure and IT usage meet mandated local, State, and Federal standards.

Mainframe Systems Support

  • providing maintenance services for the Department's large mainframe-base law enforcement systems (Automated Jail Information System, Countywide Warrant System, and Transportation Management Automation System); and
  • providing the Department and participating agencies with an on-line and batch system to track individuals through the criminal justice process from the time of arrest or remand through release.

Sheriff's Data Network

  • providing a high-speed data communications infrastructure which interconnects all Department sites;
  • providing a mature, stable and robust network which will furnish a means by which all Units can access services and applications that are required to perform vital Department functions;
  • providing liaison with the County and State Coordinators for Public Safety Answering Points and Wireless 9-1-1 telephone operations;
  • providing liaison with the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System Advisory Committee;
  • ensuring systems meet California Justice Information Systems (CJIS) guidelines;
  • managing systems/services including, but not limited to the following:
    • network connections and interfaces with other criminal justice agencies;
    • Department Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone systems;
    • Department telecommunication equipment and lines, including data circuits, analog voice lines, and 9-1-1 equipment and lines;
    • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV);
    • Department E-Mail;
    • office automation;
    • personal computer and file server support; and
    • help desk and computer training.

Systems Development Section

  • providing various levels of technical staff support in the acquisition and/or development of new automated systems within the Department. More than 65 systems are maintained by staff;
  • enabling rapid on-line access to the Regional Allocation of Police Service (RAPS) to report patrol activity for the purpose of providing the Department executives, Contract Law Enforcement Bureau, and Station Administrators with statistical data relevant to particular policing jurisdictions.  RAPS serves as a management tool for deployment of Patrol Personnel, analysis of individual Unit performance, budgetary justifications and reporting to contract cities regarding levels of police services; and
  • providing a Performance Recording and Monitoring System that is an integrated database for administrative investigations and service comment forms.  It also includes a system to flag instances that meet predefined criteria and thresholds. PRMS was originally comprised of three modules that automated the business processes of Internal Affairs Bureau, Civil Litigation, and Pitchess Motions.  PRMS consolidates the information kept in these independent databases into an integrated database that serves as a Department-wide decision support system in matters related to risk management and service reviews.

Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program

The Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program (LEISP) handles the business and technical needs required to capture, organize and share crime data and information, both within the Sheriff’s Department and outside law enforcement agencies. 

  • the LEIS Section is responsible for the overall business and technical operations of the entire LEISP unit, along with the implementation of law enforcement applications such as COPLINK, LASDashboard and records management systems.  A Help Desk is staffed to handle inquiries related to these applications as well as LARCIS (Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System), the current Records Management System for LASD;
  • the Crime Analysis Program (CAP ‑ formerly Management Information Services MIS) is responsible for: 
    • mandated state and federal crime;
    • supervision of the collection of the Department’s crime data;
    • prepare specialized crime studies and statistical reports;
    • handles all ad hoc requests for crime information;  
    • the oversight and approval of all aspects of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) within the Sheriff’s Department, including development of boundary layers, determination of mapping standards, and GIS software licensing;
    • the creation and maintenance of reporting districts, arresting agency identifiers, and statistical codes and the related automated system tables;
    • data proprietor of the Regional Allocation of Patrol Services (RAPS) system; and
    • directs all crime analysis services, including selection, training, and supervision of all crime analysts as well as development and implementation of new crime and intelligence services;
  • the Crime Assessment Center (CAC) analyzes crime throughout the entire County, without regard to jurisdictional boundaries;
  • the Advanced Surveillance and Protection (ASAP) unit specializes in closed circuit video surveillance (CCTV), Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems, Acoustical Gunshot Detection Systems and Advance Command Center Integration. It oversees the procurement, installation and maintenance of these systems.

Custody Automation

Jail issues, including medical and mental health, classification, overcrowding, erroneous release, and over detention, have been addressed from a technology perspective.  A series of systems projects, both short-term and long-term, were identified to address the Custody issues.  Major systems being implemented or maintained are:

  • Jail Hospital Information System (JHIS) - JHIS provides complete, accurate, and accessible clinical documentation to Medical Services.  Using a customized version of hospital software package, an on-line medical record is available from any Custody facility.  The system supports all the major functions of Medical Services, including patient care management, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, mental health, dietetics, and other major processes.  JHIS is fully integrated with AJIS.
  • Jail Information Management System (JIMS) - JIMS is a multi-faceted development project that was designed to address short-term needed system fixes while concurrently proceeding down an orderly development path towards a replacement Automated Jail Information System (AJIS).

Data Center Administration

The Data Center Administration Unit is responsible for physically hosting in a secure, climate controlled environment all elements of the Department’s data processing and Information Technology infrastructure, including Sheriff’s Data Network and Records and Identification Bureau equipment.  Data Center Administration is further responsible for the ongoing management and operational support, at the hardware and operating system level, of all Department-wide computer systems.  Many of these systems are considered mission-critical and must be available on a 7-days-a-week, 24-hours-a-day basis.  To effectively manage these systems, Data Center Administration maintains multiple Departmental Data Centers in geographically separate areas.