2-07/140.60 - The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Unit

The American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Unit is separated into two components:

Title I, Employment issues, and Title II, Public Access issues.  Under Title I, the ADA Unit ensures that Department supervisors are aware of and in compliance with Title I of the Federal ADA, as well as the State’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).  The Unit is responsible for developing and presenting ADA training for Department supervisors.  The ADA Unit, in conjunction with the Health and Safety Unit, Advocacy Unit, and Personnel Administration Bureau, assist individual Units regarding the interactive process with concerned employees, and with reasonable accommodations for existing Department members.  The ADA Unit is responsible for processing all reasonable accommodation requests received from Department applicants.

Under Title II, the ADA Unit ensures that all Department‑occupied buildings, including jail facilities, are in compliance with ADA regulations.  Working with Correctional Services Division and Custody Operations Division, the ADA Unit helps to ensure that inmates with disabilities have access to all programs that all other inmates receive.  The ADA Unit also processes facility‑access complaints received from the public, including inmates, as it pertains to Department facilities.