2-07/090.10 - Budget Services

The Budget Services Section prepares the Department’s annual general fund budget request for submission to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Additionally, the Section monitors budgetary expenditures and revenues to ensure the Department remains within the Board of Supervisors adopted budget.  The primary functions of this Section include the following:

  • reconcile the Board-adopted budget to the Department’s submitted budget request;
  • allocate and monitor Services and Supplies appropriation via the Financial Management System (FMS) to facilitate the Departmental expenditure process;
  • update the Departmental Budget Information Management System (BIMS) to reflect budgeted position and compensation changes/adjustments;
  • liaison with Departmental personnel, the CEO and other County departments regarding budgetary matters; and
  • monitor Departmental expenditures and revenues to ensure the Department remains within its budgetary allowance.