2-04/030.00 - Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau

The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau reports to the Office of the Sheriff and Undersheriff.  The primary function of this Bureau is to maintain the Department's Operations Log and disseminate information and news to the general public, members of the Department and the news media.  The Bureau is also responsible for evaluating proposed Department public relations programs.  The Bureau responsibilities are performed through the operation of a 24-hour command information center, by program evaluation and development, by continuing liaison with the press and the community and by responding to telephonic and written inquiries.

Bureau services include:

  • issuing Code 20 and news releases to metropolitan and local press representatives;
  • creating, updating and distributing Department brochures;
  • coordinating Departmental press conferences and special projects;
  • providing an operational and communications base for Department Duty Officers;
  • issuing press credentials and maintaining liaison with all news media;
  • accepting public requests for Departmental speakers;
  • directing handicap programs for the blind and hearing impaired;
  • maintaining the deaf teletype machine;
  • arranging for immediate response by investigative personnel when needed during off-duty hours;
  • obtaining published and non-published telephone numbers for various agencies when requested;
  • keeping the on-call Division Duty Commander informed of unusual activities;
  • maintaining a Department Master Calendar; and
  • coordinates and oversees all Departmental digital signage projects.