2-04/010.12 - Corrective Action Unit

The Corrective Action Program is separated into two functions: Corrective Action and Monitoring and Planning.

The Corrective Action component is characterized as generally reactive in nature and works closely with members of Risk Management Bureau’s Civil Litigation Unit and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors analyzing selected lawsuits settled by the County of Los Angeles (or in cases where a settlement is imminent) in an attempt to preclude a recurrence.  Training and policy issues are examined to determine if changes or revisions are necessary.

The Monitoring and Planning section is designed to be proactive and identify relevant law enforcement trends and/or issues which may expose the Department or the County of Los Angeles to litigation.  Periodic newsletters on issues related to the management of risk and exposure to litigation will be distributed to all Department employees.  Other relevant information will be shared regularly via the Bureau’s Intranet website. Corrective Action Unit staff provide tracking of settlement agreements containing special provisions and provide support to the Department’s Education-Based Discipline Program.