2-04/010.05 - Internal Affairs Bureau

The Internal Affairs Bureau is responsible for:

  • Conducting administrative investigations of policy violations by Department members;
  • Conducting administrative investigations of policy of equality violations by Department members;
  • Conducting administrative investigations for outside law enforcement agencies at the request of the agency;  
  • Monitoring criminal investigations of Department members;  
  • Responding to deputy-involved shootings and specific significant use of force incidents, and preparing an administrative review of the incident for the Executive Force Review Committee;
  • Conducting “for cause” drug tests at the direction of a Department member’s unit commander or higher ranking member;  
  • Staffing the 1-800 complaint line during business hours;
  • Compiling data for all shootings involving Department personnel (e.g., hit, non-hit, unintentional discharge, warning shot, and animal shootings).

The Internal Affairs Bureau is organized into roll-out teams. Each team is on-call for one week at a time.  The team is available 24/7 to handle notifications, provide guidance and advice, and to respond to incidents.  A separate team conducts policy of equality investigations.