2-03/010.07 - Sheriff Station Facility Classifications

The various facilities utilized by the Sheriff’s Department represent an array of capabilities focused on community oriented service which are designed to meet the specific needs of the individual communities the Department serves.  Every Station, both traditional and non-traditional, is unique in the type, manner and style of service provided.  The following facility status classifications are intended to clarify, standardize and identify the nature and extent of services provided by each facility type.

AREA Sheriff Stations

Area Sheriff Stations are traditional “stand alone” facilities which serve a large geographical area, and contain the necessary management and support personnel. Additionally, Area Stations provide:

  • 24 hour operational oversight of Area, Community and Neighborhood law enforcement services;
  • 24 hour general public access for all law enforcement needs;
  • full dispatch capability; and
  • prisoner housing capability, if applicable.

Community Sheriff Stations

Community Sheriff Stations focus on the delivery of patrol services to the community, with indirect management and support functions primarily provided by Area Sheriff Stations.  Community Sheriff Stations are an effective means of extending services and the ability to deploy resources into the community.  Additionally, Community Sheriff Stations provide:

  • 24 hour deployment of patrol resources;
  • Routine general public access hours;
  • specifically assigned personnel; and
  • under the operational command of an Area Sheriff’s Station.

Neighborhood Sheriff Offices

Neighborhood Sheriff Offices provide services which are available directly within the service area as a means of increased convenience for members of the communities served by the Sheriff’s Department.  Patrol, management and support functions are provided by the appropriate Area and Community Sheriff Stations.  Additionally, Neighborhood Sheriff Offices provide:

  • service locations available to the general public, such as Town Sheriff offices, storefront offices and mall offices;
  • varying public access times;
  • specific services;
  • may be staffed by volunteer personnel; and
  • under the operational command of an Area or Community Sheriff’s Station.

Miscellaneous Sheriff Facilities

Several facilities operated or utilized by the Sheriff’s Department serve as full or part-time work sites for Sheriff Department personnel, but do not provide for routine public access, or receive, accommodate or process public service requests. Miscellaneous Sheriff facilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Youth Athletic League sites;
  • various offices/trailers located on private or public property, or in city or county parks which are utilized by deputy personnel;
  • Metrolink Bureau/Transportation Bureau deployment sites; and
  • Community College campuses.