2-02/180.00 - Non-Supervisory Civilian Staff

Non-supervisory civilian staff positions constitute the main work force of the civilian categories.  This includes all positions that are not designated as Administrator, Director, Assistant Director, Manager or Supervisor.  They are responsible for performing a wide variety of clerical, secretarial, administrative, technical and line functions for the Department.  Civilian personnel shall maintain a comprehensive knowledge in their respective areas of expertise.  Civilian personnel must be service-oriented and conscientiously assist the public and co-workers in the resolution of problems. Additionally, all civilians shall comply with Departmental policy and procedures, and adhere to the Department's Core Values.

Examples of civilian functions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Administrative;
  • Automotive Operations;
  • Clerical;
  • Communications;
  • Crime Lab;
  • Custodial;
  • Custody Programs;
  • Data Processing;
  • Employee Relations/Advocacy Services;
  • Facilities;
  • Food Services;
  • Laundry Services;
  • Law Enforcement Support;
  • Medical;
  • Photography;
  • Power Equipment Repair;
  • Psychological Services;
  • Records System; Secretarial; and
  • Supply.

The duties within these series of classifications include the following:

  • Performing clerical, secretarial, technical, line and administrative support functions;
  • Inspecting, maintaining and repairing automotive and heavy construction equipment;
  • Coordinating assistance response among Stations, field and specialized Units through the operation of computer-assisted communications equipment;
  • Participating in crime scene investigations and laboratory analysis;
  • Assisting sworn personnel in maintaining order and security in a custody facility;
  • Operating diagnostic computer systems and monitoring teleprocessing controllers in a data processing environment;
  • Coordinating activities in connection with the planning, development and execution of extensive and on-going building construction;
  • Planning, assigning and evaluating the work of accounting, budget compilation, finances, cost surveys and revenue for the Department;
  • Planning menus and directing culinary and other food service workers in the ordering, preparation and distribution of meals; and
  • Directing the administration of the Department's health services programs and facilities.

In addition to position specific responsibilities, non-supervisory civilian staff are accountable for:

  • Use of Overtime - making every effort to complete their duties within their assigned shift.  Those assignments that require the use of overtime shall be handled in a manner consistent with established overtime guidelines;
  • Health and Safety - supporting Unit-level wellness programs, and keeping a safe, secure and clean work place;
  • Personal Relations - treating every member of this Department, sworn and civilian, with the same dignity and respect that they would expect in return;
  • Delivery of Service - supporting and promoting the Department's Core Values;
  • Efficient and Effective Operations - being fully aware of their Units' missions and goals and actively striving to accomplish these objectives through timely completion of job responsibilities;
  • Physical Appearance - setting an example of professionalism and pride by appearing well groomed and appropriately attired;
  • Demeanor/Attitude - by actions and statements, reflecting maturity, objectivity, enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence in accomplishing the mission, goals and programs of the Department;
  • Communicative/Interpersonal Skills - encouraging and promoting open and constructive relationships with the public, co-workers, subordinates and superiors through understanding, empathy and tolerance.  Written and oral communications should be clear and concise;
  • Social Skills - demonstrating actions and decisions that reflect consideration of social, cultural and political factors which are important to the Department;
  • Self-Improvement - maintaining their professional knowledge and skills and remaining current on events that affect the Department and their Units;
  • Innovation - continually evaluating and seeking methods of improving the operation of their Units;
  • Ethical Conduct - by their actions and statements, shall possess the highest standards of moral and ethical conduct; and

Risk Management - minimizing risk to the Department and personnel through performing their respective work responsibilities in the best manner possible.  Utilizing safe driving techniques while driving County vehicles.