2-02/130.00 - Administrator

The Administrator is a senior executive of the Department who commands and is accountable for the activities in the Office of Administrative Services in accordance with the policies prescribed by the Sheriff, Undersheriff and Assistant Sheriff(s).

The standards by which the Administrator will judge the performance of personnel are embodied in law (both statutory and in case law), MOU's, the Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures, all Division Directives in support of the Manual, our Mission Statement, Core Values Statement and the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.

The Administrator's subordinates will not only be held accountable for performance based on specific requirements, but will be expected to use common sense and good judgement in establishing the standards of performance for their own subordinates.

The Administrator, in his role as executive staff to the Sheriff and as a member of the Executive Planning Council, must consider the impact of his decisions on the interests of the Department, the members of our Department, and the citizens we serve.  It is incumbent upon the members of the Executive Planning Council to work in good faith and cooperation to best serve these interests.

The duties of this classification include the following:

  • Administering the Office of Administrative Services;
  • Advising and assisting the Sheriff, Undersheriff and Assistant Sheriff(s) in administrative and policy matters;
  • Planning for the expansion or reorganization of Administrative Services' operations to meet growing or changing law enforcement, custodial or service needs;
  • Directly supervising Directors and Captains, and indirectly, the remaining elements in the chain of command within the Office of Administrative Services;
  • Communicating and enforcing Department policy and procedures;
  • Recommending disciplinary action affecting Administrative Services' personnel;
  • Representing the Department in appearances before civic groups and organizations;
  • Directing the preparation of the Department's budget and working in close cooperation with the Division Chiefs in developing individual Division budgets; and
  • Acting as the Department liaison with the Chief Administrative Office in all activities associated within the development, submission and adoption of a fiscal year Department budget.

In addition to the position specific responsibilities, the Administrator is accountable for:

  • His personal acts and omissions, and, when reasonable and appropriate, the acts and omissions of his subordinates.  In connection therewith, his supervisory and managerial responsibilities shall include, among others:
    • A responsibility to take appropriate corrective measures consistent with his rank and authority when he is, or reasonably should be, aware that such measures are called for; and
    • A responsibility to use the information and management tools available to him, including, but not limited to, manual and automated personnel information, to attempt to anticipate and address, through corrective measures consistent with his  authority, reasonably identifiable Departmental risks or potential employee misconduct;
  • Supporting and promoting the Department's Core Values, Service Oriented Policing philosophy and affirmative action guidelines by both actions and statements;
  • Reinforcing, through actions and statements, the Department's position on discrimination, sexual harassment and cultural diversity;
  • Keeping the public trust by demanding a high degree of personal integrity from all command personnel and, in turn, requiring that they do the same with their subordinates;
  • Demanding nothing less than lawful behavior from subordinate command personnel and, in turn, requiring that they do the same with their subordinates;
  • The quality, timeliness and accuracy of his paperwork, as well as the quality, timeliness and, when appropriate, the accuracy of paperwork prepared at his direction by a subordinate;
  • Managing Human Resources - knowing the strengths, weaknesses and special skills of his immediate subordinates, and where reasonably possible, those of the other subordinates in his areas of responsibility;  effectively and efficiently managing and retaining subordinates in a manner that inspires and supports harmonious working relationships among all Department members, other agencies and the public.  Rating subordinates in a timely and objective manner;
  • Managing Financial and Material Resources - the productive planning and use of material resources, identifying and monitoring the available budget resources; while at the same time addressing the short and long term planning needs that affect his office;
  • Managing Work (systems and operations) - the development and implementation of practical and realistic short and long term plans that emphasize productivity and provide for evaluation of effectiveness designed to ensure that his Unit goals are achieved in a timely manner;
  • Managing Information - thoroughly, and promptly reporting and, appropriately following up information to validate its value. Productively using information to communicate constructively with Department members, other agencies and the public;
  • Managing as a Member of the Team - promoting a positive public relations image and fostering productive relationships with peers, other Departments and Agencies, using management and leadership  skills to strengthen and promote a healthy organizational loyalty;
  • Managing Change - handling emergencies and responding to internal and external influences, being resourceful and adaptive, while planning and anticipating for the future;
  • Self-Management Practices - demonstrating decisiveness, independence, consistency, reliability and accepting responsibility, exhibiting ethical, personal and organizational courage, while providing ethical guidance to staff members, being well groomed and appropriately attired;

Managing Loss Prevention - determining training needs and implementing appropriate programs, promoting safety and health awareness, while monitoring personnel attendance, accidents and injuries to identify and administer preventive measures to minimize losses.