1-01/090.25 - Missing or Found, New/Additional Manuals--Reporting of and/or Request For

Any found copies of the manual not assigned to the Unit shall be returned to the Manuals and Orders Unit.

Any Unit which is missing an assigned copy of the manual shall notify the Manuals and Orders Unit of such loss by phone.  A Department Manual Inventory/Request Sheet will be sent to the concerned Unit and, upon completion, shall be returned with the required SH-AD-32A for replacement of the missing copy.

Unit Manuals Coordinators shall be responsible for informing the Manuals and Orders Unit of the recovery of any reported missing manuals.

When an organizational change results in the need for a new or an additional manual, the concerned Unit shall notify the Manuals and Orders Unit of this fact by phone. A Department Manual Inventory/Request Sheet will be sent to the concerned Unit and, upon completion, shall be returned with the required SH-AD-32A for assignment of a new or additional manual.