1-01/060.10 - Numbering System

The eight digit numbers shown in the outer top corners of the printed pages are guides to the content of the pages.

The number shown at the top of the right-hand page represents the last item of numbered information to be shown on that page.

The number shown at the top of the left-hand page represents the first item of numbered information to be shown on that page.

The eight digit numbering system represents the following subdivisions:

  • Volume is indicated by the first digit;
  • Chapter by the second and third digits;
  • Section by the fourth, fifth and sixth digits;
  • Subsection by the seventh and eighth digits.

Example:  1-01/010.05


There will be a few variations of the page numbering system to provide for special situations, such as:

  • When the content of a section or subsection takes up two or more pages, the page number may be repeated on one or more of the pages;

When this occurs, the page number will be followed by the notation "Contd."

In the alphabetical sections of the Volume on "Case Assignment and Reporting," the letter of the alphabet contained on each page will be shown directly beneath the eight digit manual section number.