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FOSS Newsletters
25-02 - Traffic Related Disturbances - New Radio Code for Street Takeovers (511)
25-01 - 2025 Legislative Update
24-01 - Parking Enforcement Detail (PED) - Handling Calls for Service and Complaints from the Public
23-06 - AB 2773 (2022) – Stating and Documenting the Reason for the Stop
23-05 - 2024 Legislative Update
23-03 - Sexual Assault and Your Rights as a Victim: AB 1312 / 680 PC
23-02 - LASD Chaplain Program
23-01- Officer and Recurrent Witness Information Tracking System (ORWITS)
22-11 - 2023 Legislative Update
22-10 - Senate Bill 2: Officer Decertification and the National Decertification Index
22-09 - Homicide Bureau Notification for Drug Overdose Death Investigations
22-08 - Psychological Services Bureau Deputy-Involved Shooting Team
22-07 - Sex Offender Registration, PC 290
22-06 - Alcohol-Related Incidents Involving Department Members
22-05 - Identification and Enforcement of Fraudulent COVID-19 Test Sites
22-04 - Handling Administrative and Internal Criminal Investigations in
22-03 - Firearms Possession Cases with a Prior Domestic Violence Conviction
22-02 - Securing Unattended Department Vehicles
22-01 - 2022 Legislative Update
21-20 - The Use of Cover
21-19 - 2022 Laws Regarding Civil Unrest
21-18 - Flash Mob/Smash and Grab Robbery or Theft
21-16 - Reasonable Cause Arrests
21-15 - Field Interview Cards
21-14 - Handling Cargo Theft Cases
21-13 - Reaching Into Vehicles
21-12 - Integrated Medical Interventions
21-11 - Berg vs. County of Los Angeles: Preliminary Injunction Regarding the Use of Less-Lethal Munitions During Civil Disorder
21-10 - Entering Motorized Vehicles into the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS)
21-09 - New Transient Related Radio Code 925T
21-08 - Axon Body 3 "Wing Clip" Mount
21-07 - Taskforce for Regional Auto Theft Prevention (TRAP)
21-06 - Missing Person Policy Change
21-05 - Carrying A Concealed Weapons Permit
21-04 - Los Angeles County Safe Youth Zone
21-03 - SACR MDC/CAD Clearance Codes
21-02 - Reckless Vehicle Pursuit (DUI)
21-01 - 2021 Legislative Update
20-29 - Having Appropriate Equipment When in the Field
20-28 - Wage Theft- Rescinded [No Content]
20-27 - Bond Surrenders
20-26 - Off-Duty/Backup Weapon Qualification
20-25 - Ammunition Exchange
20-24 - Taser Procedures and Functionality
20-23 - Sergeant Responsibilities When Force is Used
20-22 - How to Safeguard your Personal Information
20-21 - Press Pass Identification
20-20 - The Decision to Use Handcuffs During Critical Incidents
20-19 - Participating on Social Media Sites
20-18 - Care and Maintenance of County Equipment (OC Spray)
20-17 - Cannabis (Marijuana) Retailers (Dispensaries)
20-16 - Less Lethal from an Elevated Platform
20-15 - Safeguarding the Integrity of Department Investigations
20-14 - Searching a Cell Phone Weeks After Consent Given United States v. Butler II
20-13 - Civil Protective Custody Warrants and Warrants of Arrest for Parent/Guardian (WIC 339 & 340)
20-12 - Release of Peace Officer Records Senate Bill 1421
20-11 - Backup/Assistance Requests and Coordinated Emergency Responses
20-10 - Facility Security and Awareness
20-09 - Scheduling Management System (SMS) Code Changes
20-08 - Foot Pursuits
20-07 - Communicable Disease Crimes (Health & Safety Code 120290, Penal Code 245 and 422)
20-06 - Reasonable Suspicion for Traffic Stop Based On Registration Violations
20-05 - The Use of Non-Standardized Terms in Radio Communications
20-04 - Pre-Arraignment Release Protocol (PARP)
20-03 - Memorial Vigils
20-02 - Searching a Vehicle for Identification (Case Law: People v. Lopez, 2019)
20-01 - 2020 Legislative Update
19-19 - Deadly Force - Rescinded [No Content]
19-18 - Guidelines for Releasing Reports and Department Information at Patrol Stations/Units
19-17 - Case Law Update: People v. Ovieda
19-16 - Safety in Deploying the Tire Deflation Device
19-15 - Wanted Persons HIT Confirmation Procedures
19-14 - Calls for Service Involving Warrant Arrests
19-11 - Disabled Placard Enforcement
19-10 - Hate Crimes
19-09 - Cannabis Statistical and Clearance Codes
19-08 - Los Angeles County Smoke-Free Policy
19-07 - Sidewalk Vendors
19-06 - Service Animals
19-05 - Responding to Downed Power Lines
19-04 - Temporary Vehicle License Plates
19-03 - Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents, Detainers, and Station Jails
19-02 - Non-Binary Gender Classification for State Documents
19-01 - Passive Resistive Persons - Rescinded [No Content]
18-14 - 2019 Legislative Update
18-13 - Project Lifesaver Pilot Program
18-11 - Thompson v. Copeland (Excessive Force and Qualified Immunity)
18-10 - Patrol Operations in Unmarked Vehicles
18-09 - Assisting Department of Children and Family Services with Background Inquiries
18-08 - Violent Persons File
18-07 - Sheriff's Automated Contact Reporting (SACR) System
18-06 - Immigration Policies, Protocols, and Procedures
18-04 - Tarasoff Notifications
18-03 - Dangers of Fentanyl
18-02 - Custodial Interrogation of Juveniles (Revised)
18-01 - 2018 Legislative Update (Revised)
17-16 - Electronic Probable Cause Declaration (ePCD) System
17-15 - Ballistic Vest Exchange
17-13 - Proper Display of Vehicle License Plates on Personally Owned Vehicles
17-12 - Contact with Homeless Individuals
17-11 - Temporary Injunction Granted Regarding Prohibition of the Posession of High Capacity Magazines Duncan vs Becerra Case Summary
17-10 - Suspension of Vehicle Impounds Under California Vehicle Code Section 14602.6(A)(1)-30 Day Impound-Rescinded
17-07 - Selling "Off Roster" Firearms for Profit
17-06 - Minors Engaged in Commercial Sex Acts
17-05 - Updated First Aid/CPR Training and Instructor Requirements
17-04 - Revealing Confidential Information During Neighborhood Canvassing
17-03 - Special Victims Bureau to Oversee the Day-To-Day Operations of the eSCAR System
17-01 - Deputy's Duty to Provide Emergency Medical Care
16-21 - 2017 Legislative Update
16-20 - Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Cannabis)
16-19 - Securing A Handgun in an Unattended Vehicle
16-17 - Radio Communications with Outside Agencies
16-16 - New Clearance Requirements for Logging Field Activity
16-15 - The Sale of Tobacco Products
16-14 - Case Law Decision-Carrying a Loaded Gun on the Person
16-12 - Terms and References Related to Calls Involving Alleged Mentally Ill Persons
16-11 - Redaction of Confidential Information in Arrest or Investigative Reports Filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court
16-10 - LASD Statistical Codes Requiring Mandatory Secondary Clearance Code DCFS Notification/No DCFS Notification
16-09 - DCFS' New Policy Regarding Social Workers Reporting New Allegations of Abuse
16-08 - New Mexican Passport
16-07 - Logging Special Equipment in MDC/Deputy Daily Worksheet (DDWS)
16-06 - Emergency Response Driving
16-05 - Transporting a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle
16-04 - Running and Gunning
16-03 - Forming Relationships During Public Contacts
16-02 - Demonstrations and Protests Inside Station Lobbies
16-01 - Citation Signature Refusals
15-32 - Mobile Range Safety
15-31 - 2016 Legislative Update
15-30 - Written Resistance During a Traffic Stop
15-29 - Holster Safety Awareness
15-28 - Clearing Vehicles with High-Risk Encounters
15-27 - Avoiding Delays in Use of Force Interviews by Supervisors
15-26 - Refusal or Inability to Exit a Vehicle at the End of a Pursuit
15-25 - Using a Firearm Against a Vehicle
15-24 - Detaining Felony Suspects
15-23 - Tactical Considerations with a Partner
15-21 - Firearm Magazines
15-20 - Documenting Vehicle Searches
15-19 - Evidence Collection, Handling, and Preservation
15-17 - Interrogation of Murder Suspects
15-15 - Detaining Bicyclists
15-14 - Shooting at Vehicle Tires
15-13 - Crime Scene Responsibilities
15-12 - Medical Cannabis (Marijuana)
15-11 - Flu Season
15-10 - Verification Procedures for Disputed Warrants
15-09 - Introduction to the Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository (LEEDIR) and LASD Digital Witness Systems (Use of Crowd Sourced Media for Investigations)
15-08 - Legal Briefings and Department Policy
15-07 - Ebola
15-06 - PulsePoint
15-05 - 2015 Legislative Update
15-04 - Surefire X300 Ultra Weapon Mounted Light
15-03 - Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA)
15-02 - Photographic Lineups
15-01 - Warrantless Detention of Children
14-30 - Brady Issues and the Pitchess Process
14-29 - Medical Treatment and Transporting Suspects
14-28 - Sexual Assault (Rape) Definition and Statistical Codes
14-27 - Drug Arrest Statistical Code Changes
14-26 - Prior Convictions Required for Proposition 47 Felony Charges- Attachment List of Specific Prior Convictions Required for Prop 47 Felony Charges
14-25 - Proposition 47 (Revised)
14-24 - Use of Seatbelt Extenders
14-23 - Legal Standing Upon the Curtilage of Residences
14-22 - Legal Detention: Refusal to Provide Identification
14-21 - Victim Information Notification Everyday (VINE)
14-20 - Riley v. California - Cell Phone Searches
14-19 - Seated and Backseat Investigative Detentions
14-18 - Importance of the Initial Reasonable Suspicion
14-17 - Incident/Watch Commander Checkoff List for Missing Children-Watch Commander Checkoff for Missing Children Form
14-16 - Deputy Checkoff List for Missing/Abducted Child/Person-Deputy Checkoff for Missing/Abducted Child/Person Form
14-15 - Inappropriate Terms and Phrases-Related Lawsuit
14-14 - The Use of Force In Taking DUI Blood Samples
14-13 - DUI McNeely Warrant (Blood Test)
14-12 - Assault Weapons
14-11 - Vehicle Repossessions
14-10 - Blue Check Information
14-08 - Handling Traffic Crashes as a Crime Scene
14-07 - Citizens Taking Pictures/Video In Public Places
14-06 - Hotel/Motel Records Search (REVISED)
14-05 - Disputes Involving Hotel Occupants
14-04 - Non-Detained Juvenile Citations- Procedure for the Citation of Non-Detained Minors- Procedure for the Processing of Juvenile Arrest Referrals
14-03 - SCAR Clearance Narrative/Checkoff Report- SACR Clearance Narrative/Checkoff Report Form
14-02 - Missing Person Report
14-01 - 2014 Legislative Update
13-14 - What to do with Children when the Parent(s) is Arrested
13-13 - Field Operations Directive Updates to the Manual of Policy and Procedure Posted 12/12/13
13-12 - New MDC Codes for Logging Field Activity-Deputy Reference Sheet-MDC Codes for Logging Field Activity
13-11 Revised LASD Press Pass - Rescinded 09/29/2020 [No Content]
13-10 - People v Burton-Misdemeanor Arrests
13-09 - Case Law Decision People v. Pellecer-12020(a)(4) P.C. (Currently 21310 P.C.)
13 -07 - Protective Sweeps
13-06 - Considerations for Deputy-Involved Shootings (3rd in a Series of 3)
13-05 - Considerations for Deputy-Involved Shootings (2nd in a Series of 3)
13-04 - Use of Personal Communication Devices
13-03 - Considerations for Deputy-Involved Shootings (1st in a Series of 3)
13-01 - Metro Express Lanes on Interstate 110 and 10 Freeways
12-10 - 2013 Legislative Update
12-09 - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (Child Prostitution)
12-06 - An Emerging New Drug: "Bath Salts"
12-05 - Patrol Deputies' Guide on Cannabis (Marijuana) Grows
12-03 - Supervisors Interviewing a Suspect in a Use of Force Incident
11-18 - Openly Carried Handguns
11-17 - 2012 Legislative Update
11-15 - Seatbelts and Radio Cars
10-12 - Domestic Violence Guide
09-17 - Officer Safety-Ambush Attacks on Law Enforcement Personnel
09-16 - Understanding the Situational Use of Force Options Chart (Rescinded 04/20/23) [No Content]
08-16 - Release of Firearms
07-13 - Excited Delirium (RESCINDED)
05-02 CHP Vehicle Type Codes
04-22 - Fireworks
03-02 Omniglow Safety Glow Lightsticks (Rescinded 03/30/23) [No Content]
#10 Countywide Warrant System (Rescinded 03/30/23) [No Content]
#9 Robbery Alarm Calls (Rescinded 04/20/23) [No Content]
#6 News Media Representatives at On-Scene Events (Rescinded 04/20/23) [No Content]
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