5-09/210.16 - Post Pursuit Tactics

Once the pursued vehicle has stopped, for whatever reason, the previous tactical operation of a vehicle pursuit is immediately replaced by a new tactical operation involving suspect containment and arrest.  It is essential that all personnel involved in the pursuit recognize this transition from vehicle pursuit to containment and arrest.  The handling Deputy remains the Incident Commander, unless relieved by the Field Sergeant.

At the termination of a pursuit, safety is critical.  At no time will the need for decisive action and strict personal and collective self-control be more essential.  If, at the pursuit terminus, any occupant of the pursued vehicle fails to obey commands to exit and remains in the vehicle, the situation shall be treated first as a felony stop and with continued non-compliance, a barricaded suspect incident.  If the suspect is believed to be armed, a special weapons team shall be requested in accordance with MPP section 5-06/110.65.

Unless relieved by a supervisor, the primary pursuit unit retains the responsibility, as the Incident Commander, for maintaining control and directing activities at the terminus of a pursuit, specifically as it relates to the apprehension of the suspect and the use of force.  All personnel involved in suspect containment and arrest shall adhere to the fundamental tactical principles outlined in MPP section 3-10/150.00, including the development of a tactical plan, the use of less lethal weapons, assignment of designated shooters, fire discipline and shooting backdrop.  Unless specifically requested, once a Code 4 has been broadcast, no other Deputies will respond to the terminus of a pursuit.  Assisting units already present shall immediately vacate the area once their specific mission has been completed.

The Field Sergeant shall respond (Code 3 if necessary), to the terminus of the pursuit and oversee post-pursuit tactics and assert control when warranted.  The Sergeant shall further ensure compliance with all Department policies, specifically as they relate to the use of force and field tactics.