5-01/010.00 - Stolen Vehicle System (SVS)

The Stolen Vehicle system is accessed by any terminal which is connected to California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS).

Information on which entries may be made to the Department of Justice SVS computer is as follows:

  • Stolen vehicle;
  • Felony vehicle;
  • Stolen identifiable vehicle parts;
  • Stored vehicle;
  • Impounded vehicle (to be entered to SVS under "Stored Vehicle Hold");
  • Vehicles associated with missing persons;
  • Repossessed vehicle;
  • Lost vehicle; and
  • License plate, lost or stolen.

In conjunction with such entries, "caution codes" may also be used by placing an "X" in the appropriate field for the desired "caution code".

Refer to the SVS User's Manual for the current retention period for entries made into the SVS system and for the letter code definitions of "caution codes."

On vehicle entries, the vehicle model is mandatory, and at least one of the following numbers is required to enter the vehicle in SVS, partial numbers shall not be used:

  • License plate number;
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN); and/or
  • Engine number.

Instructions for entry of data to the computer are contained in the "Stolen Vehicle User's Manual" published by the California Department of Justice.

For purposes of this chapter, the SVS Manual itself, plus any subsequent instructions issued by DOJ or this Department, shall be considered as the "Stolen Vehicle User's Manual."